Entire Planets Made of Dark Matter May Exist. Here's How We Can Find Them.

But a team of scientists led by theoretical physicist Yang Bai of the University of Wisconsin-Madison wanted to know how these hypothetical planets would manifest – and if we could detect them if they're real.

We don't know what's responsible for it, but we call that mystery source dark matter, and there are several theoretical candidates that scientists are investigating.

Broadly, these candidates can be divided into two categories: single particles, and composites, including macroscopic blobs of dark matter, or Macros, that could have planet-scale masses.

(Alysa Obertas/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)With these measurements in hand, we can calculate the density of an exoplanet and thus determine how it is constructed.

A low density, like that of Jupiter, implies a huge, low-density atmosphere, a gas giant.

Bai and his colleagues calculated what this light curve could look like, laying down the simple groundwork for a more complex theoretical analysis.

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