Mother issues warning after routine scan finds stage 2 cancer without a single symptom - The Independent

She said: “I hadn’t noticed that anything was wrong but in the June I was sent a letter for a routine mammogram.”.

She added: “So when they told me I had stage 2 breast cancer, I was very shocked.

She said: “A mammogram would have been the only way this could have been found, so I was very lucky that I had ended up having my scan early.”.

She said: “I had three rounds of three-weekly chemotherapy, and then weekly treatment for nine weeks.

She said: “I have annual mammograms now for the next 10 years but other than that, I’m back to normal.”.

She said: “I didn’t really know many people in Manchester, so some of the first friends I made were through a local Prevent Breast Cancer group that I joined.”.

She added: “I really wanted to do something good and give back in some way, to show people that a cancer diagnosis is not the end of the world, so I began taking part in charity events.

During lockdown, Sheelagh took part in a virtual walk from Land’s End to John O’Groats, and this year she completed the Manchester Half Marathon to raise money for Prevent Breast Cancer.

To help spread her message further, Sheelagh has joined Prevent Breast Cancer’s BooBee campaign and signed up to be a BooBee ambassador?

Sheelagh said: “A breast cancer-free future would mean no-one would have to go through the stress of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment

Being a mum to two beautiful daughters, I want to provide support to the effort that Prevent Breast Cancer is leading.”

She added: “This includes improved breast cancer detection breakthroughs hopefully helping prevent others, including my daughters, from suffering the effects of this terrible disease.”

Nikki Barraclough, executive director at Prevent Breast Cancer, said: “Sheelagh’s story highlights the importance of regularly attending mammograms, especially given that the earlier breast cancer is found, the greater the chance of survival

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