Rio Tinto blasting of Indigenous site prompts call for heritage protections

There are mounting calls for changes to the approvals process for works likely to affect Aboriginal heritage sites after Rio Tinto destroyed two ancient rock caves at Juukan Gorge, north-west of Tom Price in the Pilbara last weekend.

Landowners send a notice for consent to the Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee, which recommends to the Aboriginal Affairs Minister whether approval should be granted.

In the wake of this week's news, WA Mining and Pastoral Region MP Robin Chapple said Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt should review all approved Section 18 notices.

"Both state-sanctioned and illegal destruction of sites significant to Aboriginal people is a regular occurrence throughout WA," he said.

He said changing the Aboriginal Heritage Act to provide greater protections for heritage sites could "give a powerful message to the Western Australian community of the significance of Aboriginal heritage as the original and irreplaceable part of Western Australia's collective cultural heritage.".

The State Government is currently reviewing the Aboriginal Heritage Act, which Mr Wyatt said he hoped would result in more opportunities for community input in future Section 18 approvals

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