Astronomers discover largest known spinning structures in the universe -

However, giant clusters of galaxies often spin very slowly, if at all, and so many researchers thought that is where spinning might end on cosmic scales, study co-author Noam Libeskind, a cosmologist at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam in Germany, told!

But in the new research, Libeskind and his colleagues found that cosmic filaments, or gigantic tubes made of galaxies, apparently spin.

"There are structures so vast that entire galaxies are just specks of dust," Libeskind said.

Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the scientists examined more than 17,000 filaments, analyzing the velocity at which the galaxies making up these giant tubes moved within each tendril.

The researchers found that the way in which these galaxies moved suggested they were rotating around the central axis of each filament.

The scientists noted they do not suggest that every single filament in the universe spins, but that spinning filaments do seem to exist.

The big question is, "Why do they spin?" Libeskind said.

As such, whatever caused these filaments to spin must have originated later in history as the structures formed, he said.

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