What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 31st) - Nintendo Life

There were our reviews for games like The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and NEO: The World Ends With You, Streets of Rage 4's DLC finally arrived on Switch, Monster Hunter Rise got awesome Okami-themed DLC, and Nintendo says it absolutely hasn't forgotten about Animal Crossing: New Horizons; yes there were also new games for Switch Online.

There was plenty going on, so it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans!

Like, I suspect, plenty of others I'll be spending a decent amount of time with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles this week; I finished the first chapter and it's been fantastic so far!

I still have a long way to go in Skyward Sword HD so will try to dip in, and I'll also be jumping back into Monster Hunter Rise to get the Okami-themed content?

On other systems I'll try out The Ascent, if I can find the time.

This week I've been playing a loooooooot of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

Capcom, how am I supposed to play The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles when you fail to provide the European audience with a physical edition.

I gave up with Skyward Sword, folks...

Look, I'm not proud of it, but I've gone away on my holibobs this weekend, and I want to spend my time playing some familiar comforts.

I've made a trend of beating all Switch Zelda games 100% (apart from the Hyrule Warriors games because I'm not mad) which leaves Skyward Sword.

Too many games!

This weekend I plan on playing more Blaster Master Zero 3.

Tom has been involved in the games industry for a decade, mostly writing about it or struggling to sell Indie games.

It's also my 18th birthday on Sunday so I'm expecting to get some games as gifts, which I'll definitely play as well1

Great game so far.

Blind (PSVR/ps5) - a social worker that helps me twice per week recommended this to me, gonna play it once I feel like VR.

I played these 3DS games: 🤓!

So I've just started Oath in Felghana (yep, I'm overlooking the two first games, they look pretty old XD).

Ah, and I'm also beating Zelda Minish Cap for the first time, and throughly enjoying it.

This games gameplay loop is just so satisfying and enjoyable for me.

With Highrise Heroes behind (possibly the best word search game I've played even if it lacks the RPG elements of Letter Quest and Spellspire), the Switch front has seen me closing in on Burnout Paradise completion (at least the main campaign - there are still Big Surf Island and the bikes), but there are still plenty of roads left to "rule" first.

Then there are newer recruits (last batch until September); Great Ace Attorney dilogy will wait until I'm done with Spirit of Justice, but there are others to sample like Ghostanoid, Lost Sea, Summer in Mara and SuperMash which has already proven every bit the surreal procedural fun I expected.

And in the remaining Switch time, odds are good for Bioshock 2, Layers of Fear 2 and Terraria, but particularly for Skyrim - all the moreso as the weekend got me bitten with a TES bug yet again, to the point of reinstalling and resuming TESO on PC (this time on an external HDD like GTA 5, but the performance is still solid) and considering some more Morrowind unless TESO's older Vvardenfell scratches that itch enough by itself.

And while on PC, I may also invest more time in Just Cause 2, FFXIII and Nights of Azure - I actually installed the latter even here after my other offline option, the Vita port, ultimately proved too underpatched for me.

Let's see if third time will be the charm - at this point a part of me just wants to be through with this and move on to the long owned and uncompromisingly portable sequel on Switch.

Time will tell.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles has been living up to its superlative, so far.

Decided to finish a couple of games, as a completionist I strive to get 100% on every game.

So, going to get the last pokemon in pokemon yellow by playing pokemon red, trying to get the last challenges (gold) in mario bros u deluxe, and finishing up ff7 which i got on the switch last year.

What a great game, I wish I would have played it sooner.

If I do finish the game this weekend, I'll go back to MH Rise given I'll start Skyward Sword HD after I've finished the upcoming new New Pokemon Snap update content!

A hat in time!

I'm so glad one of my all-time favorite games finally got the sequel it deserves!

It will probably be my favorite way to play the game moving forward, it does a great job of taking the original release and updating it with new art/music and some great QoL changes.

I’m about 25 hours into Skyward Sword now, had a little break to play both Macbat 64 and Toree 3D (which are wonderful, very short 3D platformers in the vain of the N64 era) and now I’m back to it.

The former has quickly become one of my top ten Switch games, and the latter, which I just recently picked up on sale, is so wholesome, yet insanely addictive.

I love both of these games.

Picked up Great Ace Attorney this week, but I still need to finish the third game in the original trilogy which I plan to start this weekend.

Switch - Skyward Sword HD.

It’s not an easy game tho but you could play it on switch online with the rewind feature of course or I’d say castlevania 4 snes is another great entry.

This weekend I’ll probably be giving great ace attorney a spin, tho I really need to finish up the 3rd Phoenix Wright game in the collection I have.

PS4- Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and Samurai Shodown.

We got our 8 ft red felt slate pool table into our game room last night and have been having an absolute blast with it, playing well into the night!

Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for me.

Depending on progress, I might also slip in some time with Monster Hunter Stories 2 as well.

Just finished the second case in The Great Ace Attorney, enjoying it so far.

Only about 10 hours in on Zelda Skyward Sword so I have a ways to go on that still!

Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne was on sale for $35 so I picked up a copy and I'm really enjoying it so far, that will probably take up most of my gaming time?

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn, so mostly Skyward Sword HD for me.

@TYRANACLES great thanks, maybe I’ll give Super Castlevania IV a try if it’s a homage to the first game.

Finished my first Subnautica playthrough so finally I can settle into a new game.

Either way, I won’t have that much time to play this weekend, having to throw a bday bbq for my dad and aunt today, and we’re blessed with good weather.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles!

Happy Capcom finally brought the games West.

It goes to being a lightly challenging fun pool game to just being obliterated by the comp.

I think I’d still be playing more often except I’m too lazy to swap in that pesky cartridge all the time.

DD has easily the best narration I’ve ever heard in a video game.

Great Ace Attorney on Switch, Fantasian on iPad.

I'm a early 90's gamer so I'm really looking forward to a old school yet modern game play experience

Skyward Sword and Mario Golf

Very busy weekend, so not a lot of time for gaming

What time I do manage to fit in will mostly go to Ys VIII

Have a great weekend

Skyward sword, mario golf and blaster master zero 3

Very excited to finally be playing Great Ace Attorney

Rocket League One of the greatest games ever created

Skyward Sword (4hrs in) First time playing

I think, CHAOS CODE -NEW SIGN OF CATASTROPHE- is pretty underrated game

I've finished the miserable experience that was Skyward Sword HD so now I'm free to play something that's actually good...so, Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, and maybe a little NEO: The World Ends With You

Equalicious (Windows Phone) - I do like me some puzzle games

This weekend will be full of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles on Switch and my first playthrough of Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation on 3DS

I saw they’re almost done with the 2nd half of the game, I didn’t know it wasn’t finished

Ive been hoping it will come to Switch

Ghostbusters Remastered with my son and the Forgotten City with the wife… and possibly Ace Attorney Chronicles too, but I’m trying to save that one for when I finish the other two games

Finished up Skyward Sword earlier this week so now I’m revisiting other Zelda games like Hyrule Warriors

@somnambulance Ghostbusters Remastered is a dream game for any real Ghostbusters fan

Not perfect but the campaign is really fun (anything above Normal difficulty makes the game a nightmare in my opinion)

Over 30 hours in skyward sword and still alot more to do, what a beautiful game

If out of nowhere i have more free time i'll play some ratchet and clank rift apart

Pretty deep in Skyward Sword HD and loving it a lot

We're visiting family right now but there's so many forest fires that the smoke is making it hard to do anything, so there's been a lot more Switch time than I was expecting

It's like the Princess Bride of video games

I love physical, but DD is a game I should have gone digital with

Skyward Sword HD and Batman Arkham Knight

This game had me hooked up until this point

I also Put about four hours into Skyward Sword

Messing around with the new NSO games (they're surprisingly all pretty good)

Mostly Ace Attorney Chronicles and Blaster Master Zero 3

I might also go back to my WiiU and play some Wii games, mainly Project Zero 2 and Metroid Prime 3 (am I the only one who hates the motion controls in metroid prime?)

@Snatcher Okami is an amazing game

@I_commented If I can even make it to the boss, like good lord this game is long

Deadly Premonition Origins last weekend, so this weekend I finished Deadly Premonition 2 and I am completely tolerable with playing games at 15 fps now

Played it for 450+ hours, having beat the game twice already

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Soapbox The Hidden Delights Of The Great Ace Attorney

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