You're More Likely to Get COVID From Someone Doing This Than From Coughing - Yahoo Lifestyle

Pedro Magalhães de Oliveira, an expert in fluid mechanics in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge—created a mathematical model to predict how COVID spreads from an infected person in a room, taking into account the size of the space, the number of people present, the ventilation, and whether or not people were wearing masks.

The assumption might be that actions that spread a lot of droplets—like sneezing, coughing, or shouting—are the most risky in terms of COVID transmission, but this new research out of the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London suggests otherwise.

And for more on COVID transmission, check out The Strange New Way You Could Get COVID, Study Says.

The Cambridge team says "ventilation … is of utmost importance in minimizing infection risk indoors." In a statement, de Oliveira said the study shows "how these small droplets can accumulate in indoor spaces in the long-term, and how this can be mitigated with adequate ventilation.".

The team also used their findings to build an online calculator that can help users assess the risk of different indoor situations given the size of a room and the number of people in it.

If you're spending an hour in an average-sized store with a capacity of 50 people, for example, improving ventilation or wearing three-ply face masks can see your risk of infection decrease from 8 percent to 2 percent.

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