30 Must Read Engineering Books - Interesting Engineering

Whether for business or pleasure, we have compiled our recommendations for more than 30 of the greatest engineering books available.

So, you need some recommendations for great engineering books?

This book offers timeless and elegant solutions to common problems in software design and describes patterns for the various phenomena from managing object creation to coordinating control flow between objects. Design Patterns is a classic of object-oriented development.  .

Covering many of the latest AI-related ideas and technological developments from the computational ability to L4 automated vehicles and many more, this book is an excellent choice if you are interested in artificial intelligence and its basic principles.

Written by Robert Pirsig, this book is probably one of the most influential engineering books of the 20th century.

Anthony J Marchese from Colorado State University describes this book as representing a journey upon which all mechanical engineers should embark.

This is a classic engineering book and has been through several editions.

A worthy entry on the list of great engineering books.

This book is perfect for anyone interested in mechanical engineering.

In this book, Patty O'Brien Novak is simply explaining why engineering is important and how engineers shape our world. .

Here is another great book for anyone who wishes to know more about mechanical engineering.

This interesting engineering book explores how engineers think and feel about their chosen profession. .

This book is practically the canon of engineers.

Since it was first published in 1944, it has become a key study book for engineers.

This book should not only be read by engineers, but by every manager of a technology organization. .

This is a seminal book on appropriate technology that incorporates a wider philosophy of the social role of design.

In this well-known book, the authors examine buildings of all kinds and time periods.

Written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, this engineering book cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development.

This book by Richard Weingardt features a list of 32 engineering legends from the 1700s to the present.

This book will help any budding engineer, or a veteran, understand that engineering projects are more than just designing and making 'things.'

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