6 Everyday Activities That Naturally Release Dopamine In Your Brain - HuffPost

While this reward sensor was and is essential to human survival, evolution has made it so maladaptive behaviors also result in the release of dopamine in humans, both experts said.

In fact, Rajneesh said that any activity that is “evolutionarily protective and essential for our well-being and survival” releases dopamine.

But not all sips of water will release dopamine, Morikawa noted.

“In the middle of summer in Austin, and you’re really thirsty, then drinking water should increase dopamine levels in the brain — that should be one of the most effective ways to increase them,” he said.

One really common way that dopamine is released is when praising children for good behaviors, Rajneesh said.

In these situations, their good behaviors are reinforced by the feel-good nature of that dopamine release, he said.

Many studies have measured and found that playing video games results in the release of dopamine in the brain for some people, Morikawa noted.

When “elevating dopamine levels, sometimes you get really hooked [onto] certain activities,” Morikawa said.

Meditating and other activities can also lead to a release of dopamine, Rajneesh said.

can help release dopamine in the brain and further enhance your sense of well-being and health as nature intended it to be,” Rajneesh said

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