6 things this immunologist does every night to sleep better and boost her immune system: 'Exercising isn't enough' - CNBC

As an immunologist and functional medicine doctor, I always remind my patients that while genetics, diet and exercise all play a role in our immune response, sleep is one of the most effective ways to prepare your body to fight infection.

Without adequate sleep, your stress hormones can experience dysregulation, affecting your weight, gut health and immune defense.

The good news is that as soon as you start prioritizing sleep, your immune system can rebound quickly.

Once you've gotten honest about what you do with your time, think about how you can cut down on those nonessential activities and reassign time for sleep instead.

Your bedroom should be your sleep sanctuary.

You can always take a magnesium supplement, but one of my favorite ways to use it for sleep is by taking a warm Epsom salt bath.

Blue light messes with your body's ability to prepare for sleep because it blocks a hormone called melatonin that makes you sleepy.

Wearing these glasses has been shown to significantly improve sleep quality and decrease insomnia.

Just a few poses can engage your parasympathetic nervous system and help you sleep better.

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