6 Ways You Control When, Where (& With Whom!) You Fall In Love - YourTango

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She describes the process of falling in love as a chemical cocktail of sex hormones in the first stage (lust), dopamine and norepinephrine in the second euphoric stage (attraction), and oxytocin and endorphins in the last stage (attachment) to promote an overall sense of well-being.

Even though you find your new muse's smile intoxicating and you have been hit by the addiction-forming love drugs, you can ultimately control the course of falling in love which leads to a more mature form of lasting attachment and love.

It's not pretending to be someone you're not, doing a bait and switch, or engaging in wishful thinking that someone will change after you're committed.

You can't force someone to fall in love with you as much as you can force yourself to fall in love with someone else.

If you've made a conscious choice to look for love, you're more likely to find it.

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Once grounded in that, take the time to consider what you want from your next relationship.

The search for a partner is quite like the search for a job (and ideally the relationship lasts considerably longer).

This is the logical part of falling in love, and it's good to vet someone at this stage before becoming emotionally attached.

If You Do 9 Very Specific Things, Your Relationship Is Healthy.

He developed 36 Questions that Lead to Love, proven to heighten and hasten attachment and fall in love more easily.

RELATED: 47 Essential Pieces Of Advice For Couples Who Want To Have A Healthy Relationship.

Approaching your relationship with a mindful attitude can help you to connect to what matters most to you and to see your love interest with fresh, accepting eyes

If you are in a new relationship, it can be empowering to learn that while it might begin with a spark, much of falling in love involves thoughtful and purposeful action

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