7 Apps to Recreate the Best Windows Features on Your Mac - Lifehacker

It’s so much easier to quickly rearrange and snap windows into place on Microsoft’s OS, via both keyboard shortcuts and click-and-drag.

Once installed, it’s super easy to resize and snap your windows to any space on-screen, whether by keyboard shortcuts or click-and-drag.

As someone who copies and pastes a lot, it’s so frustrating to use a Mac out of the box, having to jump back and forth between windows to repeatedly select text.

The free utility adds a simple, yet indispensable, list of recently copied text to your menu bar.

If you’re looking to push this idea further, SoundSource is even better, offering you the ability to customize which audio outputs different sources play to, among other useful customizable features.

Before you add a second computer to your setup, give Parallels a try, an app that literally lets you run Windows directly on your Mac.

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