7-Day Meal Plan for Insulin Resistance - EatingWell

If insulin can't work, your blood sugar will stay high, which is a precursor for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

While this isn't necessarily an insulin-resistance weight-loss meal plan, research, such as the 2022 study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, suggests that weight loss may help improve blood sugar levels.

In addition to changing your diet, physical activity, weight loss, stress reduction and proper sleep can all make you more sensitive to insulin.

Typically, focusing on healthy nutrition changes to lower your blood sugar, like increasing protein and eating more vegetables, weight loss tends to follow on its own.

Skipping meals can lead to overeating later, resulting in blood sugar lows and spikes, which leaves you feeling sluggish.

Chicken Turkey Lean beef and pork Fish, such as wild salmon Beans Lentils Nuts, peanuts and natural nut butters that don't contain added sugar Olive and avocado oil Avocados Fruits, especially fruits with skin and seeds, like berries, apples and pears Vegetables Higher-fiber complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal, quinoa and starchy vegetables (winter squash, corn, peas and potatoes) Greek yogurt

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