7 strategies for truly restorative rest - CNN

Her book details the seven types of rest she recommends to increase productivity, get happier and live "your best life." Among those types of rest: sensory rest, creative rest, social rest and passive physical rest (sleep).

These types of rest don't come from crashing on the sofa over the weekend with a string of Netflix shows in the queue.

Saundra Dalton-Smith: Physical rest is the first kind of rest we need; it can be passive or active.

Things like background noises — even just people talking — can add to sensory overload.

Downgrade the number of notifications on your devices so email and social media aren't putting a further demand on your sensory level by controlling when you engage with them.

Do only creative people need it?

It's important to have someone you can really be authentic and real with about what you're feeling and not have to pretty up your emotions so they're easier for others to digest — that's when you get emotional rest.

Emotional rest helps with mental health because you're not keeping toxic emotions bottled up.

CNN: The social rest you describe isn't taking a break from socializing, is it?

Dalton-Smith: What I call social rest is the rest we experience around life-giving people.

The first part of evaluating your need for it is looking at the different people in your life and how they pull from your social energy.

You get social rest by being around people who don't need anything from you — you get fed from time in their presence.

The people who don't need anything from who don't put demands on you — they're not the loud ones in your life.

What about people who don't consider themselves spiritual?

When you're pouring back out into the world with the feeling of contributing to something bigger, it's a form of spiritual rest.

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