A lunar eclipse will occur during full moon: How to see it Sunday night - SILive.com

A penumbral lunar eclipse will occur Sunday night into Monday morning.

The lunar eclipse will occur during November’s full moon, called the “Beaver Moon,” because it’s the time of the year when beavers retreat into their lodges for the winter, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

The final astronomy event of the month will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, similar to the eclipse that took place in July in the skies above North America.

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, the moon passes through the Earth’s outer shadow, called the penumbra, and misses the darker inner shadow, known as the umbra, the weather service stated.

This is different from a total lunar eclipse when the entire moon passes through the darker umbra?

According to AccuWeather.com, a penumbral lunar eclipse can be underwhelming if you’re expecting a dramatic change in the way the moon looks, like a total lunar eclipse.

The impressive total lunar eclipse will occur on the night of May 25 into the early hours of May 26, when the moon will pass through the Earth’s inner shadow, the umbra.

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