Amazon sees surging sales of pepper spray, Black Lives Matter merch - CNBC

Amazon shoppers are stocking up on pepper spray and Black Lives Matter merchandise as protests continue to erupt nationwide, according to sales rankings on its web site.

The e-commerce site lists self-defense items, educational books on racial justice and Black Lives Matter t-shirts as top-selling items across several categories of its Best Sellers page.

Outrage over the killing of Floyd appeared in the novelty clothing section of Amazon's Best Sellers page, where two "I can't breathe" t-shirts were among the top 10 best-selling items.

Amazon's Best Seller page calculates top sellers based on sales volume, according to the company's website.

Kaziukenas said Amazon tracks Best Sellers based on search volume but the data is shared with vendors and isn't viewable by the public?

The sales of Black Lives Matter shirts and other activism-inspired merchandise could be used as a vehicle for donating to those causes, Kaziukenas said.

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