At $6,900, Is This 1992 Ford Explorer 4X2 Worth Exploring? - Jalopnik

Today’s Nice Price or No Dice Ford Explorer shows just how handsome the first-generation truck is when not adorned with unnecessary frippery.

That was a major contributing factor in the car’s $21,200 asking price going down in a 62 percent No Dice loss.

This is simply our second Friday in a row to feature a Ford truck with very basic specs and a beige paint job.

This 1992 Ford Explorer is, however, a bit more viable as a driver than was last Friday’s Latin American market B-100 panel truck.

According to the seller, the truck doesn’t leak any fluids and just passed its smog test without issue.

With such rarity, the seller thinks the perfect buyer for the truck would be a Ford collector.

For whoever buys the truck, the asking price to do so is $6,900 and the seller seems to be pretty adamant on that amount, stating:?

Is that a fair price for this seemingly well-kept Explorer as it’s presented in its ad.

Or, does that price make this OG SUV not so special an order.

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