Bizarre Fortnite bug causes an infinite no-storm game - FortniteINTEL

This Fortnite player experienced an infinite game due to a new and rare glitch.

There have always been – and always will be – bugs in Fortnite.

This bug falls in between these categories – equally annoying and intriguing.

The storm circles have been strange since the last Fortnite update – mirroring those of Warzone before shrinking to a smaller, more familiar circle.

New Fortnite Season 3 leaks promise a progressively lower water level over the course of the season.

The internet was buzzing, yesterday, when the PlayStation store accidentally released a promotional image for Fortnite Season 3.

To those who are worried about the entire map being covered in water, Tabor Hill said, “Epic knows what they’re doing … You’re not going to be completely on water, don’t worry.” He also added another piece of information that he withheld in his original video: the water level will go down as the season progresses and “eventually return to normal.”.

So, according to these leaks, the water level will lower over the course of the season – similar to how the snow has melted in past winter events.

We’ll keep you covered with more rumors, leaks, and more as we wait for the event and new season.

This Season 3 concept makes all Fortnite hitboxes visible in Creative Mode.

Epic have maintained that all of their hitboxes are the same – big and small skins alike.

Despite the claims that all of the hitboxes are identical, the player base doesn’t know exactly what the Fortnite hitboxes look like.

Reddit user u/williambash came up with a concept that will help us find the hitboxes within each skin.

This concept is a small suggestion and easy enough to implement into the game.

“SpongeBob physics” might be the only way that an underwater map will work in Fortnite Season 3.

This Fortnite player experienced an infinite game due to a new and rare glitch

New Fortnite Season 3 leaks promise a progressively lower water level over the course of the season

This Season 3 concept makes all Fortnite hitboxes visible in Creative Mode

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