Chained Echoes Review - A New Masterpiece Of Turn-Based RPGs - Noisy Pixel

One such title encapsulating this notion is Chained Echoes by developer Matthias Linda and publisher Deck13.

Chained Echoes takes place on the continent of Valandis, a 3,000-year-old land with a rich history comprising magical research.

In fact, the first facet of the experience most players will likely notice is how this game wastes no time providing lore.

Still, this dense storytelling doesn’t make Chained Echoes dull, not at all.

It’s firmly incorporated in contexts where their usages make appropriate sense depending on the type of figure present.

Gameplay-wise, Chained Echoes manages to impressively implement a customizable yet approachable series of systems, though admittedly initially overbearing.

And said skills are divided into three general, self-explanatory categories; Action, Passive, and Stats.

I usually recommend prioritizing the Action skills since they can be immensely worthwhile when handling specific encounters.

Since standard mob fights usually respawn, it is possible to grind for SP, but the game’s design doesn’t really advise that.

Theoretically, you could also spam battle skills to eventually attain mastery, but that’s unnecessary.

Summatively, without explicitly saying so, Chained Echoes tells its players to keep naturally progressing at a steady pace.

It’s because this compact character growth works in tandem with the combat design, letting each enemy encounter challenge players at levels demanding mastery of the many present mechanics.

Chained Echoes is, bluntly, the complete opposite.

Despite the choices and customization tied to skill acquisition and equipment, every character has evident specialties that make their roles abundantly clear.

Thankfully, these Class Emblem skills aren’t solely affixed to the items themselves since characters will eventually master them, allowing usage sans the Emblem.

And speaking of the challenge, interestingly enough, everyone’s health and magic are automatically fully restored after every battle, implying that players should give their all as frequently as possible, also allowing for a grand array of continual offensive strategies that can be more frequently performed than in other RPGs where transitional resource management in between battles is an omnipresent factor.

Regarding presentation, it’s as clear as day; Chained Echoes is jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

Unfortunately, Chained Echoes has no library or resource menu in the pause screen housing tutorials or lore material found throughout the game.

Aside from the tranquil field and town themes, several battle tracks get that blood pumping

Chained Echoes is a wildly ambitious and impressive turn-based RPG that, aside from minor faults, sticks the landing on all fronts

From its terrific and constantly thought-provoking battle system with well-implemented challenge, to its strongly written cast and masterclass worldbuilding, this is an essential must-play for any fan of the genre that I sincerely hope doesn’t pass anyone’s radar

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