Dinosaur-killing asteroid created massive magma chamber that lasted millions of years, study shows - Fox News

The asteroid that slammed into Earth some 66 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs also produced a gigantic pool of magma many times larger than the crater at the center of Yellowstone National Park, new research reveals.

The incident, known as the Chicxulub impact event, killed off 75 percent of all life on Earth, and it also produced a massive hydrothermal system filled with magma, according to research published today in Science Advances.

“Chicxulub is the largest, best-preserved crater on Earth and is thus our best example of the craters that were produced early in Earth history,” David Kring, the first author of the study and a researcher from the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Texas, explained to Gizmodo.

The dinosaur-killing asteroid that struck Earth produced a gigantic pool of magma.

“There were thousands of craters its size and larger when life emerged on Earth.

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