Doing MORE housework can boost Brits’ memories, scientists reveal... - The Sun

Experts in Singapore wanted to assess whether doing household chores contributes towards healthy ageing by boosting physical activity levels and mental capacity.

The results of memory tests and physical tests, such as how quickly people could move from sitting to standing and walking speed, showed that housework was linked to sharper mental abilities and better physical capacity, but only in the older group.

Cognitive scores were 8 per cent and 5 per cent higher in the over-65s doing high volumes of light or heavy housework respectively, than in those doing less.

The sit-to-stand time was 8 per cent faster in those doing higher volumes of heavy housework, and balance scores were 23 per cent higher.

"Furthermore, the positive associations of housework levels with physical and sensorimotor functions in older adults were intensity dependent.

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