E3 Tells Creators Like Geoff Keighley They Might Get In Trouble For Streaming Show [UPDATE] - Kotaku

Today, however, E3 told creators that might not be such a great idea this year.

This morning, Geoff Keighley, who hosted E3 for years but departed last year to launch his own event called Summer Game Fest, tweeted out an email from E3 sent to content creators.

Many of these creators applied to be part of E3's official co-streaming program, but not all of them.

In the email, the organization explained that spaces in its official co-streaming program were “limited” and “quickly filled.” It went on to say that if others choose to co-stream one of the biggest gaming events of the year, they will be doing so at their own risk.

In a DM to Kotaku, Keighley responded to a question about whether he thought his rejection was a matter of application timing or other factors (for example, Summer Game Fest) by saying he applied to co-stream “weeks ago.”.

The small handful of bigger-name streamers who made it into E3's official co-streaming program applied at a range of different times—when they applied at all.

A representative explained that since this is E3's first year doing official co-streaming, it decided on “a small select group this year to monitor the opportunity and see how we can apply it to future E3s,” though the representative did not explain why the organization only decided to convey that information today.

In addition to our distribution service and media partners, we focused on a diverse group of influencers and creators who consistently create video game content across YouTube, Twitch and/or Facebook.”.

“We hope to continue the [E3 co-streaming program] next year with larger availability,” wrote Stepleton in the email to creators, “and encourage you to reapply next year for the opportunity to take part.”

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