Fallout tabletop RPG review: They made combat in the wasteland fun again - Polygon

Fallout: The Roleplaying Game is right on target.

For those of you still sore at how Fallout 76 turned out, I’ve got good news: Life in the Wasteland is fun again, and it’s all because of a new tabletop role-playing game.

Fallout: The Roleplaying Game from Modiphius Entertainment brings the Fallout franchise back to its roots as a tabletop game with the kinds of turn-based rules that made the original game so enjoyable — especially in how it deals with combat.

The original Fallout video game was supposed to be based on a tabletop role-playing system called GURPS — also known as the Generic Universal RolePlaying System.

Then, the developers of the video game had to design their own new tabletop game to serve as their foundation.

Bethesda Softworks bought the franchise and turned it into a real-time action game, and now Modiphius is bringing it back to the table.

But when I’m playing a role-playing game, it’s just as much about the conversations I’m having with nonplayer characters and other kinds of random social encounters as it is about shooting guns.

The inside of the garage is a zone, and the roof area — upstairs, right around the rocket itself — that’s a zone as well.

It sounds counterintuitive, but that increase in specificity makes playing Fallout: The Roleplaying Game without miniatures much easier and more streamlined than it would be otherwise.

The other features that make Fallout: The Roleplaying Game so inviting are the character classes.

Not only does it restrict which kinds of limbs you can have at the start of the game, it also encourages restricting your character’s worldview and even their vocabulary to fit within the narrow confines of their original programming.

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