How Do Constantly Swimming Sharks Ever Rest? Scientists Just Figured It Out - ScienceAlert

These sharks never stop swimming for their entire lives.

Exactly how sharks rest was a bit of a puzzle, until on a dive during the day, Papastamatiou noticed that the sharks were swimming against the updraft current in a certain channel.

With these tools in hand, the researchers constructed a biomechanical model to calculate the energy expenditure of sharks swimming in these updraft currents.

According to the team's calculations, surfing the updraft allowed the sharks to conserve at least 15 percent of their normal swimming energy expenditure.

With this monitoring data, the researchers were able to confirm that the sharks do indeed choose to hang out in updraft currents during the day, adapting their position to best minimize energy expenditure.

For instance, during incoming tides, which have stronger updrafts, the sharks group tightly together and display the conveyor belt shuttling behavior more strongly, and go deeper where the current is a little weaker.

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