How to see Uranus near the full Hunter's Moon in the night sky this week -

The full Hunter's Moon will light the way to Uranus in the early morning sky this week, and with any luck you may see a "shooting star" while looking for the celestial pair.

But you actually can spot Uranus in the night sky without the help of a telescope or binoculars — if you have a clear, dark sky and know where to look. .

For the next few nights, Uranus will be hanging out close to the moon, which became full on Wednesday (Oct. 20) at 10:57 a.m.

The moon will still appear pretty full, and bright moonlight could make it more difficult to spot Uranus nearby.

However, the moon's proximity to the dim planet may make it easier to locate.

It will be closest to the moon on Thursday (Oct. 21) at 6:39 p.m.

For skywatchers in the United States, the closest approach will not be visible — your best chances of spotting Uranus with the moon will be early Thursday morning, between midnight and the onset of twilight.

The planet will still be close to the moon on Friday morning, and with the waning moon being slightly less illuminated than the night before, the reduced moonlight could even make Uranus easier to spot.

— Dim planet Uranus makes a surprise appearance in this night sky photo.

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