Huge geomagnetic storms are expected to reach Earth tomorrow - Interesting Engineering

They are therefore called sunspots and have been used by scientists as a measure of solar activity.

Scientists measure the intensity of the flares in five classes viz., A, B, C, M, and X, with the first three being low-intensity flares classes, M being a moderate intensity class and X-class flares being the most powerful of all.

On Sunday, October 2, the Sun had a busy day sending out an X-class flare followed by two M-class flares and particulate matter alongside, which scientists refer to as coronal mass ejection (CMEs).

The bulk of solar activity did not come to a close with the weekend, with astronomers forecasting a 99 percent chance of C-class flares, 70 percent chance of M-class flares, and 30 percent chance of X-class flares following them.

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