Huge Haul of Dinosaur Teeth Reveal The Spinosaurus Really Was a River Monster - ScienceAlert

The discovery of more than a thousand fossilised teeth in a prehistoric river bed is eating away at our current definition of dinosaurs.

"An animal living much of its life in water is much more likely to contribute teeth to the river deposit than those dinosaurs that perhaps only visited the river for drinking and feeding along its banks," they write.

While many other Spinosaurus fossils have been obtained commercially, with unknown origins, these teeth come from the prehistoric Kem Kem river system, which once flowed from Morocco all the way to Algeria.

The authors admit the teeth might have gathered here from the Spinosaurus wading along the banks of the river, snatching its prey from the safety of the shore

Other dinosaurs were known to shed their teeth and wade on the shores of this river, too, so why are Spinosaurus fossils everywhere

"With such an abundance of Spinosaurus teeth, it is highly likely that this animal was living mostly within the river rather than along its banks," argues University of Portsmouth palaeontologist Thomas Beevor

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