Is it COVID or is it the flu? What you need to know -

It’s easier to differentiate between allergies and coronavirus, he said.

The biggest telltale symptom that indicates coronavirus: Loss of taste and smell, which doesn’t occur with flu or allergies, said Dr.

“When people report an abrupt loss of smell, when they can’t taste, you can bet dollars that it’s most likely coronavirus,” he said.

And while both flu and coronavirus are respiratory ailments, coronavirus is much more likely to result in wheezing and shortness of breath, Brenner said.

Beyond the symptoms themselves, there are some other important differences between flu and COVID-19, Brenner added.

For instance, people typically come down with flu symptoms within a few days of exposure to the virus, while it may take up to two weeks for COVID-19.

Coronavirus also is much more contagious than flu and has a higher mortality rate, which is why it’s important for people with symptoms to get tested so that they can identify others who might have been exposed.

If people think they have flu or coronavirus, they may want to have a virtual doctor appointment vs.

The concerns about the convergence of flu season with the pandemic has doctors and health departments pushing hard for people to get flu vaccines this year.

That’s particularly true if more people get flu vaccines.

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