July's full Buck moon rises this week — and it may appear red in the night sky - CBS News

The next full moon is fast approaching, rising bright in the night sky on Friday, July 23.

July's full moon is known as the "buck moon" — marking the time of year when the new antlers of buck deer grow out of their foreheads — named by the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern U.S. .

The July full moon has also been called the salmon moon, thunder moon, hay moon, feather molting moon, berry moon and mead moon. .

The full moon arrives on Friday night, July 23, rising after sunset and reaching peak illumination at 10:37 p.m.

The moon will appear for about three days surrounding the peak, from about Thursday night to Sunday morning. 

From Friday night into Saturday morning, the full moon will move toward Saturn, with the planet appearing about 8 degrees above the moon in the southwest by morning twilight

Saturn will be at its closest and brightest on August 2, while Jupiter will be at its closest and brightest on August 19, known as "opposition." 

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