Liberal Media Urge Americans to Embrace Shortages, 'Stop Shopping'

Liberal media outlets are using the current supply-chain crisis, shortages, and inflation to push an anti-consumption, anti-growth ethic that they believe is better for human civilization and for the planet.

More than merely spinning bad economic news for the benefit of an administration whose left-wing policies they support, these outlets are hoping that the present scarcity will convert Americans away from an allegedly consumerist, wasteful lifestyle toward more socialist, environmentalist habits.

The author, a culinary expert named Micheline Maynard, scolds “pampered” and “spoiled” American consumers who “whine” at shops and restaurants, and suggests that “we’d do ourselves a favor by consciously lowering expectations.” After all, she says, previous generations endured shortages of gasoline, food, and housing: “Now it’s our turn.”.

The reason there are shortages, she claims, is because Americans are just buying too much stuff.

The advice offered by these writers tracks an ideology known as degrowth, described by conservative radio host Mark Levin in his recent book, American Marxism, as an amalgam of “red” and “green” ideologies: “[T]he goal is to reverse the massive economic progress resulting from, long other things, the Industrial Revolution, which created a huge, vibrant middle class and infinite technological, scientific, and medical advancements that have overwhelmingly advanced the human condition.”.

Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m.

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