Mars at opposition shines extra bright in the night sky tonight -

You don't want to miss Mars tonight.

During opposition, Mars, Earth and the sun form a straight line, with Earth in the middle.

As a result, the Red Planet appears bigger, brighter and redder than usual — and the planet won't get this close to Earth again until 2035, according to a statement from Sky & Telescope.

While Mars will be at its maximum apparent size when viewed through a telescope, the Red Planet actually made its closest approach to Earth last week, on Oct.

For this year's Mars opposition, observers in the Northern Hemisphere will have an exceptional view of the Red Planet, which is positioned farther north and higher in the sky than during the 2018 event, according to Sky & Telescope. .

"Indeed, Mars won't be comparably close and well-positioned for northern observers again until it reaches opposition in 2052, making this year's opposition all the more noteworthy," Gary Seronik, consulting editor for Sky & Telescope magazine, said in the statement.

The planet will continue to rise earlier and earlier in the weeks following opposition, before it gradually begins to fade.

Therefore, when Mars is closest to the sun, it is even closer to Earth during opposition.

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