Moment great white shark rips seal apart off the coast of Cape Cod - Daily Mail

Though shark season is past its peak, a great white shark was recently spotted off the coast of Massachusetts attacking a seal, the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy said recently.

The attack occurred after 'we have passed peak season for [great] white shark activity along the Cape Cod coast,' the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy said.

In July, shark researchers warned that four massive great whites, including a 16 foot, 3,456-pound giant known as Mary Lee were making their way from New York and New Jersey up to Cape Cod.

The findings, which span eight years, show that the number of sharks, rays and chimaera – a group known as chondrichthyan fish – threatened with extinction have doubled to 32.6 percent since 2014. .

Despite the rise in great white shark population and sightings in recent memory, the number of attacks on humans has stayed fairly constant.

Just over two percent of the known 548 species of sharks have been known to attack humans, but three - bull sharks, great whites (pictured) and tiger sharks - are responsible for a great majority of them.

The odds of being killed by a shark in the US are more than 3.7 million to 1, according to the ISAF.

Just over two percent of the known 548 species of sharks have been known to attack humans, but three - bull sharks, great whites and tiger sharks - are responsible for a great majority of them

The odds of being killed by a shark in the US are more than 3.7 million to 1 according to the ISAF, with USA Today noting that bees, wasps and dogs kill more people domestically than sharks.    

As a new study sheds light on the hunting and feeding behavior of sharks, including the dangerous bull shark, these apex predators have long terrified and fascinated humans at the same time

Bull sharks, commonly found in warm waters, are likely responsible for the majority of near-shore shark attacks, including biting other species.  

The great white shark can grow up to 20 feet and while it has no particular taste for humans even an exploratory bite is enough to cut a man in half

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