NASA Mars Rover Inspects 'Tantalizing' Rock for Clues to Ancient Life - CNET

NASA's Perseverance rover is determined to tease out Mars' secrets, especially when it comes to seeking evidence of ancient microbial life.

Percy will aim to collect a rock sample at Yori Pass.

"Could it hold clues about ancient life?" the Perseverance team tweeted. ?

NASA hopes Perseverance will uncover biogsignatures -- which the agency defines as "any characteristic, element, molecule, substance, or feature that can serve as evidence for ancient life" -- in the Yori Pass rock.

The rover had previously found organic molecules in an earlier rock sample, but it's too soon to say if it's evidence of microbial life from the planet's past.

A sample of the sandstone from Yori Pass would be a much-sought-after prize. 

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