Penis microbes may contribute to a common yet serious vaginal infection, study finds - CNN

None of the women had bacterial vaginosis at the start of the study; by the end of the year, more than 31% of the women developed the condition.

While each man's penile microbes were different, there was a direct correlation between each man's microbiome and the later occurrence of bacterial vaginosis in his female partner.

Using a computer analysis, researchers were able to identify 10 bacteria in the men's penises that accurately predicted the occurrence of BV in their partners.

Signs of bacterial vaginosis often mimic other vaginal conditions, such as a yeast infection.

Many women can have mild or even no signs of bacterial vaginosis, thus allowing it go untreated and continue to damage the female reproductive tract.

Experts call for an increased awareness of the existence of BV, saying women should be educated on the signs, symptoms and risks of bacterial vaginosis.

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