Personal finance advice: I'm not sure I should pay for my daughter's nose job - Slate

Some tooth alignment is almost entirely about aesthetics, and some are more about addressing misalignment that causes or may cause issues with jaw pain, chewing, the ability to keep the teeth clean, etc.

Even if your daughter’s desire to change her nose is entirely about aesthetics, though, resist the temptation to dismiss this as “a pointless vanity project.” It would be really lovely if we lived in a society where what people look like didn’t matter.

Needing to articulate something complicated and hard to describe, such as “My veins feel like they’re on fire, like an itching burn,” when your brain is foggy is an entirely different scenario and translation apps have a way of failing when situations are sticky.

If this holiday is representative of your family dynamic or Lily’s default way of interacting with the world, do apologize for calling her crazy and then respond to any attempts to bring the car up with something along the lines of “My gift to my nephew is between us, and I’m not willing to have this conversation again” before changing the subject.

If this is out of character for her, or represents a pattern that’s been emerging over the past couple of years, ask her how she’s doing—four kids require a lot more than four times the cash, and she may be stretched to her limit in other areas as well.

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