Rumour: It Looks Like Nintendo Will Soon Unveil A New Controller For Switch - Nintendo Life

A new FCC application suggests that a brand new Nintendo Switch controller may well be on the way, and it looks like it could be unveiled in the very near future.

As spotted by Twitter user @SamusHunter2, the application is simply labelled as 'Nintendo Game controller' and was published for the first time today, 16th September 2021.

'HAC' is the code used for all Nintendo Switch products (the Switch itself has 'HAC-001' written on the back, the left Joy-Con is 'HAC-015', Ring Fit Adventure's Ring-Con is 'HAC-022', and so on), proving that 'HAC-043', a section of the ID chosen by the applicant, is referring to something Switch-related.

So we know the filing has been prepared for a new Switch controller, but what could that controller be.

Two options immediately jump to mind, the first being a new controller designed for use with Nintendo Switch Online.

Intriguingly, the official SNES controller for Switch, designed for use with Switch Online's SNES app, has the product code 'HAC-042'.

Could 'HAC-043' be the next in line – perhaps an N64-inspired controller, or a Game Boy-style option to go alongside the recent rumours.

The second option that seems relatively plausible is a new Pro Controller that could launch alongside the Switch OLED next month, perhaps adding to Switch's recent Bluetooth audio update by finally offering a controller with a headphone jack or other new features.

It's safe to assume we'll hear about whatever the controller is sometime before then?

Very interesting, hope it is a new pro controller with a white color scheme and bluetooth support?

it's gonna be something you stick to your forehead and the game that will feature the controller is going to be a quiz where you'll answer by nodding your head.

A Game Boy style controller, of cause.

Having this alongside the OLED wouldn't be a bad idea?

A more powerful bluetooth connection between joycon and console would also be nice.

Unless the OLED supports Low Latency codec, along with this potential new controller, a headphone jack won't be useful.

Maybe it's just an updated Joy Con but with the drift fixed.

I want a controller for the switch lite that you can mount on the sides and connect via bluetooth!

In short, IMO the best Switch controllers aren't even made by Nintendo.

maybe a gameboy themed controller for nso gameboy games.

Wireless Metal DDR mat controller for Nintendo Switch.

News was a type of information that would often be full of facts and official announcements.

I am thinking that it is NOT a new controller but rather an official Switch Bluetooth Headset or Earbuds.

Hopefully a new joy-con with a d-pad for gameboy.

If you want a Game Boy-inspired controller, just get the G Classic Edition of the 8BitDo Pro 2 or the SN30 Pro!

@InJeffable The point with a gameboy styled controller would be to use it in handheld mode.

I'm voting for official bluetooth headset.

Hopefully N64 or something to replicate the feel of a Game Boy, although not sure how the second one would work.

Game Boy Advance joy cons would work though.

Sadly as there is only one not two it's unlikely to be revised joycons that address drift and other issues.

Hopefully a pro controller a build in microphone and with Bluetooth (Thus iPad support)

The only speculative thought I have to add is it could be a Gameboy mini system, but I'd have to check the NES/SNES mini codes, which I'm not near at present

Or maybe we're finally getting a proper U-Force controller to play NES Online games the way they were meant to be played

I'm hoping it's either an N64 controller for N64 switch online games or a Gameboy Classic Edition

Nintendo reveals a whole ass Gameboy to use on your Switch lmao

The New Switch "Oops, All Drift!" Controller

This HAC code stuff doesn't prove anything, but it does give a pretty indication that it's Switch related

New Nintendo Switch Joycon with Drift+ Tech

They did NES and SNES for the classics maybe they will announce N64 games and a N64 wireless controller??

Lmao it's just a full gameboy without the screen

Nintendo Switch Super Pro Controller, featuring Bluetooth support, USB-C charging, headphone jack, HD rumble, gyroscope, NFC support, improved D-Pad, all with a white finish

Did it's the wireless Nintendo 64 Joystick contoller, for "Nintendo Switch online servce, Nintendo 64 games"

Did it's the wreless GameBoy/Color Joystick contoller, for "Nintendo Switch online servce, Nintendo GameBoy/Color games"

Really I want a pro controller with analog triggers

It's a Jump Rope controller for Switch Pro

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