Taurus Horoscope for December 2022 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone - Astrology Zone

Astrology Zone was born on December 14, 1995—this year marks 27 years the Internet.

Money has become an important concern, and the full moon on December 7 in Gemini, 16 degrees, is bringing one or even two financial matters to a head.

Mars will conjoin the full moon of December 7, suggesting you might feel you have to respond to a bill or other financial matter quickly, but you can always take a day to think through the facts and look at your options.

The best help you have will come from Saturn, now based in your tenth house of reputation, suggesting that Saturn is asking you to prove yourself in your career, or if you made a career switch or major change, to prove yourself in a different arena.

Saturn will be in sync with the full moon and Sun, so it appears you are doing well and feeling some financial security.

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