The Bachelorette season 17, episode 7 recap: The unkindest cut | - Entertainment Weekly News

You know what that means, rose lovers: It's the week before (stationary) hometowns.

Time for Katie to separate the husband wheat from the husband chaff.

It's morning in New Mexico and the seven remaining men know that time is running out.

"Because that one-on-one would be leading into hometowns." Katie, meanwhile, isn't sure whether to use this week's one-on-ones to grow those "relationships" that she's "confident" in, or spend time with the two guys she hasn't had a solo date with: Brendan and Mike P!

For today's one-on-one, Katie wants to give Greg a taste of her hometown, Seattle!

Anyhow, Katie really likes Greg.

Greg really likes Katie.

Even though he hasn't introduced someone to his mom "in a long time," Greg says he's ready to bring Katie "home.".

Oooh, time for the group date card!

legitimately has serious things to discuss with Katie on the one-on-one, he still wishes Brendan luck before Justin reads the card!

And the unlucky group daters are: Justin, Andrew, Blake, Michael A., and… Brendan.

"No one is more deserving than Mike right now," says Michael A., emotional hero.

"I didn't get time group date, I didn't get time cocktail, I'm still here.

(Not that I'd complain.) Rather than waiting for the group date cocktail party for answers, Brendan decides to force the issue by showing up at the Bachelorette's room unannounced.

Here's a mini recap within a recap: Brendan starts off by saying that he's been "really down" the last few days after not getting time with Katie on the group date or the cocktail party.

Now that he's been passed over for a one-on-one date, Brendan is at a loss.

Though she did feel a "connection" with him early on and was interested in getting to know him more, it ultimately never happened.

Rather than putting him through another group date and a rose ceremony, the Bachelorette informs Brendan that it's time for him to go.

The final group date of the season is a small one.

It's hard to know what Blake painted, because producers put the Black Box of Shame over the entire thing, but based on what he says… I think he painted himself, um, not engaging in the WoWo challenge.

I know it's coming, but I won't lie to you either." Uh-oh.

Given that this is Blake's third time around at this rodeo, he should know better.

"I don't know if we are as far along on our journey as I am with some of the other guys here," she says.

Perhaps Justin and Katie do have the goofy and dorky chemistry she talks about, but we've never really gotten to see it.

"It was scary coming here, it's scary at the rate of which everything progresses." Katie understands and seems to imply that she wouldn't demand that he propose: "I would never want to force us into something we weren't ready for.

But if it's us in the end, that's all that matters, and we'll figure it out as we go." Dang, that is really sweet — as is Katie's genuine declaration that every rose she gives to Michael A.

Andrew talks to Katie about how difficult it will be for him to end his football career, but he says he's "willing to be done" if that's what's best for their relationship.

She and Andrew really do seem to have fun together!

After their chat, Andrew brings Katie to a room filled with hanging lights, which is meant to replicate their low-budget one-on-one date.

The note inside reads, "I'm falling for you." Wow, it's a close race for the date rose.

get one at his one-on-one date.

"I thought I would never date a virgin," admits Katie.

Today, this "cuddle expert" plans to take Katie and Mike P.

After changing into some white linen cuddle clothes ("I look like a drug lord," jokes Mike), Katie and Mike join Queen Jean on the Cuddle Platform.

"Hang out with it." But it's all very awkward, especially for a "first date," so Katie and Mike P.

The so-called "lap of luxury" position is equally cringe-worthy, but Katie and Mike P.

She's a nurturer, and man, do I love nurturers," says Mike P.

He goes on and on about how great his mom is, no doubt egged on by producers — and everything he says plays in voiceover as Katie and Mike P.

Hoo boy, can we just skip ahead to the part where Katie admits to herself, Mike P., and the Cuddle Queen that this is just not working.

Katie lets Mike know that even though she had a nice time with him today, the reality is she's just more into the other guys.

It's time for the rose ceremony roll-call.

Katie likes Andrew.

"You are such an amazing man," says Katie through her tears.

"It's bittersweet," he says, "but know that I will forever hold you dear in my heart."!

"I think it would be a terrible shame if I were to leave this place and us not have a smile on our face," explains Andrew, wrapping Katie in a big hug.

"Saying goodbye to you, that was really hard," she says.

Yes, rose lovers, that's what this whole extended segment is about: Letting Andrew and Katie part on a happier note… only to raise the possibility that they won't part at all.

"I can really say I fell for you," he says?

"I'm super proud of you and just love the woman you are." They have a sweet conversation, and then Andrew hands Katie a card on his way out!

"I had to see you," Katie says, breathless

Look, I'm swooning more than anyone over Michael A., but we all know he's too pure for this reality TV meat grinder, and the man still needs time to grieve his wife

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