The running animations in Final Fantasy XIV are my everything - Rock Paper Shotgun

Not slow as in, "I'm taking my time", but slow as in, "I cannot stop creating characters, help me".

Right now my progress towards that light is slow because I cannot stop running.

And it's safe to say that I've grown rather fond of Hulky.

There's just one thing that's holding me back from basically proposing to my digital avatar, and that's Hulky's run.

It's not that it's bad, or ungainly or anything like that.

It's just not what I'm looking for.

After much analysis, I've decided that this is something that's missing when Hulky puts one leg in front of the other.

It's reminiscent of the low-effort half-jog you might break into when you're crossing the road after a car's given way to you, but strung out for as long as you hold down the W key like a tired puppeteer.

Naturally, I tried out all the other races just to see if there was running animation that would make me pay attention, and this is where the delay has come from.

I don't know, it's a really tricky situation and I'm exhausted.

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