These Scammy 5G Router Cages Have Michael Faraday Rolling in His Grave - Gizmodo

While products that promise to protect you from radiation are far from new, now so-called Faraday router cages that claim to block harmful electromagnetic field radiation (and also 5G signal) are proliferating on Amazon.

In a tweet yesterday, user @AnsgarTOdinson posted some screenshots from Amazon of a “Faraday Defense Router Shield // Wi-Fi Guard, WiFi Router Cover, EMF Guard, Superior Shielding Performance, Blocks up to 95% EMF RF Waves, Quality Build, Made in the USA.” Included were screenshots of user reviews, in which buyers were dismayed to find the cage actually borked their wifi signals.

While most claim to block somewhere between 90 to 95% of regular ole EMF radiation, a handful of products also claim that they block 5G while also allowing you to use wifi.

In everyday life, your car, microwave oven, and MRI machines also act as Faraday cages.

TL;DR: Faraday cages are meant to help people, not be used as false marketing to cash in on unfounded conspiracy theories.

But even if 5G was dangerous—which, again, there is no evidence for—these products are stupid because cellular 5G does not come from your wifi router.

What’s more, any router shield that lets out any signal is not a proper Faraday cage.

While I’m not a psychic, I’m pretty sure that Michael Faraday, the scientist whom Faraday cages are named after, didn’t intend his invention to be abused in this way.

Home wifi routers do not generally emit cellular signal?

Putting a router in a Faraday cage—assuming that it’s an effective Faraday cage—stops your router from working properly.

Only then can the spirit of Michael Faraday rest in peace

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