This Is the One Place in the White House the First Dogs Aren't Allowed Best - Best Life

Like most pets, first dogs Champ and Major Biden are probably hard to say no to with those puppy dog eyes.

While President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, EdD, said there aren't too many restrictions on the pups in a recent interview, there's one place in the White House they revealed they're not allowed to go.

During an exclusive interview with People, the president said Champ and Major, who are both German Shepards, are really well behaved, so they only have one rule—they're not allowed on the furniture, including beds and couches.

But the dogs have the run of the rest of the house, along with the spacious front yard.

During another recent interview for The Kelly Clarkson Show, the first lady introduced host Kelly Clarkson to Major and Champ at the White House.

While they were talking about how the dogs weren't allowed on the furniture, the first lady admitted that although they're usually very obedient, she did recently catch Major on the couch—but he jumped down quickly once she saw him.

The president admitted to People that when his granddaughters stay overnight, the dogs tend to make their way onto the beds, especially Major, who's younger and a little more rambunctious it seems.

And the rest, as they say, is White House history.

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