This Phase of Life Can Be Overwhelming — 7 Expert-Backed Strategies To Cope -

This can cause isolation and uncertainty, which, on top of other common menopausal biological phenomena like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, difficulty sleeping, and metabolism changes, can seriously increase feelings of stress and anxiousness.

Here's a peek at some of the alternative practices that have been shown to help women ease stress during menopause:.

A holistic practice that engages the body while focusing the mind, yoga has been found to promote several key aspects of mental well-being (anxiousness, stress, sleep) in menopausal women.

Since perimenopause and menopause come with their own set of unique stressors, Taylor-Swanson says that minimizing other sources of stress in your life during this time as much as possible is key?

For those who don't have access to acupuncture, she's also found that just 10 minutes of acupressure a day can help make menopause and its associated stress feel a little more manageable.

A useful practice at any age, CBT was shown to help ease the stress and sleep issues of menopause in a 2019 randomized, controlled trial.

The Mediterranean diet, in particular, is thought to help support brain health through menopause and beyond

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