Warhammer 40K: Third Party Miniatures Are Ruining The Game - BoLS

Due to its success GW has gotten a lot of copy-cats, some of which make models or bits for 40K itself, which is now hurting the game.

Third party models, simply put are any model not made by Games Workshop, but used in 40K.

While this happens, its not normally what we are discussing with thirds party models.

There is also a line to be defined between producing individual bitz and whole models.

Bitz represent a part of a model and are often indented to be used to augment a GW model.

Some outfits also sell full models.

These are not meant to augment GW models, but to replace them.

However it is fair to say the 3rd party models hurt both GW and your average FLGS.

For GW, people buying 3rd party are simply not buying from them.

Because 3rd party models hurt GW, the company has had to fine ways to discourage  them, and that is what is hurting the game – via the rules.

For years it was very common to find 40K unit options or indeed whole units that had rules but no models.

In more recent years, GW has moved to make it so that if there isn’t a model, there will be no rules.

Once players start buying single 3rd party bitz, they might start buying whole models.

A number of units that don’t have clear models are gone.

Given the introduction of three regimental units in the book, it’s clear that the only reason we didn’t get more is down to a lack of current models.

However the threat of 3rd party models being used, rather than conversions, helped to prevent these units appearing!

40K’s models, units and characters have lost a lot of their customization over the past few years.

It’s not just hurt companies, but its hurting the game and its rules

Let us know if you think 3rd party models are hurting the game, down in the comments! 

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