We Can Now Hear The 'Sound' of One of The Most Beautiful Stars - ScienceAlert

RS Puppis, a Cepheid variable star around 6,500 light-years away, has gotten the data sonification treatment by the sci-art outreach project SYSTEM Sounds.

It can also reveal details in the data that may be overlooked in its original form by showing patterns, weaker signals, or information that would be lost in the noise.

These stars regularly vary in brightness; for RS Puppis, the period is about six weeks.

( NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-Hubble/Europe Collaboration)RS Puppis, the brightest Cepheid variable with an average brightness 15,000 times that of the Sun, is also surrounded by dust.

By studying these rings, scientists can understand the dust and its properties, which can tell us more about the stuff that fills the space between the stars.

This sonification of RS Puppis seems more for the purposes of outreach than science, and the star is extraordinarily well-studied anyway, so it's not clear if we'll learn anything new from the conversion.

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