What to do if you get Monkeypox: Symptoms, vaccinations, and treatments - Fox News

Over the last few months, the Monkeypox disease has spread across the world prompting government health agencies and hospitals to fear the worse as the world emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic. .

Monkeypox is a rare infectious disease in the same virus family as smallpox and can be transmitted to humans and animals?

The virus is typically found in tropical environments in central and West Africa where the animals who carry the disease live.

Monkeypox symptoms in humans include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a blister rash that typically dries out the skin, according to the World Health Organization.

Several vaccines used to treat smallpox add protection against Monkeypox and those who have been vaccinated against smallpox may have some protection as well, according to the WHO

The WHO notes that the vaccines used to treat smallpox in 1980 are not available because it became the first disease to be fully eradicated

In severe cases, the WHO recommends the use of vaccinia immune globulin (VIG), an antiviral made to treat smallpox that was approved for the treatment of Monkeypox back in January

Since the start of the outbreak in 2022, confirmed cases of Monkeypox across the world totals to 4,106 confirmed cases in 47 different countries as of June 23, according to data compiled by the CDC

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