Wisconsin will mail absentee ballot applications to 2.7M voters | TheHill - The Hill

The Wisconsin Elections Commission has agreed to mail out 2.7 million absentee ballot applications in the state ahead of the Nov.

The move from the battleground state’s election commission comes after President TrumpDonald John TrumpJustice says it will recommend Trump veto FISA bill Fauci: Nominating conventions may be able to go on as planned Poll: Biden leads Trump by 11 points nationally MORE said without evidence that mail voting results in higher rates of fraud

Polling has shown former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenProsecutor investigating whether Tara Reade gave false testimony as expert witness Poll: Biden leads Trump by 11 points nationally George Floyd's sister says Minneapolis officers should be charged with murder MORE, the presumptive Democratic nominee, slightly ahead of Trump in Wisconsin, which Trump won by a narrow margin in 2016

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