With 16 New Cards, Marvel Snap's Next Update Is Its Biggest Yet - Kotaku

Not only is the game getting over a dozen new, rare, and powerful cards, but developer Second Dinner will be adding the previously announced Token Shop to the game, letting players focus on grinding for specific cards they want to unlock.

Marvel Snap dev Second Dinner announced yesterday it’s bringing a whole slew of new cards to the game via its next season, called “The Power Cosmic.” Big baddie Thanos is incoming along with all of his Infinity Stones, leading to one of the most interesting and complex cards in the game so far.

You can spend these tokens in the soon-to-be-added Token Shop, which will feature a random card you don’t have that will rotate every eight hours.

However, if you see a card you really want but don’t have the currency on hand, that’s okay; Marvel Snap will let you lock the store and grind for as long as you want to earn the necessary tokens to buy your desired card.

Now, while the Token Shop system sounds great and will help players get that one card they’ve been longing for to complete a specific deck, it did anger some who have already invested hours and hours into the game.

Considering the price of cards—Pool 3 cards cost 1000 tokens, Pool 4 cost 3000, and Pool 5 cost 6000—even lower-level players will be able to grab at least one card from the shop.

Marvel Snap’s next season begins December 6 and the next big patch, which will add the Token Shop and the new cards, should be out at the same time

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